Visiting Capri in Fall and Winter

Tips for visiting the island in late autumn and winter

Visiting Capri in Fall and Winter
Visiting Capri in Fall and Winter
Visiting Capri in Fall and Winter
Visiting Capri in Fall and Winter
Visiting Capri in Fall and Winter

Is it worth it to visit Capri during the low season winter months? That depends upon what you want out of your vacation on Capri: if you are interested in shopping, dining in the most fashionable restaurants, and rubbing elbows with international celebrities, then it's probably not the right season for you. But if you are set on exploring the island by foot and enjoying the beautiful views in peace, then there is nothing better than a crisp, clear winter day to take to the trails.

Low Season

From the end of October to just before Easter, most of the businesses serving tourists on the island are closed, and only those restaurants, shops, and cafés catering to locals remain open.

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Tips for a Winter Trip to Capri

  • Check the weather and sea condition forecasts: sea crossings by ferry are often suspended in the winter due to rough seas, so if you need to catch a ferry, be sure to double check the conditions. High speed ferries are suspended more often than ferries and slow ferries run by Caremar, so it's best to book with this ferry company.
    Ferry Schedules from Napoli and Sorrento

  • Pack winter clothing: Capri is not eccessively cold even in the winter months, but the wind and humidity give the air a distinct nip.

  • Stay in a B&B: almost all the island's hotels close, but you will have no trouble booking a room in a local B&B.

Are Ferries Running?

Contact the ferry company call centers directly for updated information about ferry routes.
Caremar: 08118966690
Snav: 081 4285555
Navigazione Libera del Golfo: 081 5520763
This Facebook page has updates in Italian regarding ferry routes on days when sea conditions are rough.

Open Restaurants and Museums

Capriìs Tourist Information Office provides an updated list of open restaurants and museums.

What To Do on Capri in Winter

Walks and Hikes

Clear winter days are perfect to set out on the island's many foot trails, and the chairlift for the peak of Mount Solaro remains open all year round.

Walking and Hiking Trails on Capri

The Blue Grotto and Boat Tours

The Blue Grotto is open all year, but visitors can only enter on days in which the sea is calm and there is no wind. Inquire at the Tourist Information Office in the Piazzetta or Marina Grande (081 837 0686) if the grotto is open.
Boat Tours: Even if there are no organized tours leaving for the grotto, just ask around the port and you'll find a skipper willing to take you by boat to the sea cave entrance!


Eating out can be tricky on the island in wintertime! Many restaurants are closed for the season, but if you are looking for an authentic local eatery featuring traditional cuisine, you can find it even in low season. At the base of the clock tower in the Piazzetta, there is a notice board where all the open restaurants are posted. Here are some of our favorites:

  • Verginiello: You can't go wrong, no matter what the season. Home cooking, friendly service, fair prices, and a lovely view of the sea. The menu features traditional island specialities including "ravioli capresi", and they serve pizza at both lunch and dinner.

  • La Piazzetta: Despite its name, this restaurant is located in Marina Piccola. In the winter, they only serve lunch...if you are there on a sunny day, you can even dine al fresco. This side of the island is sheltered from the cold winter winds, and you can even sunbathe in January on warm days. They serve excellent local seafood.

  • Aumm aumm: pizzeria and restaurant in Anacapri, open for lunch and dinner almost all year round.


In the Piazzetta, the only café that stays open year-round is Piccolo Bar. It's a great place to have a drink in December, under the twinkling blue fairy lights and towering Christmas trees decorating the piazza.